
How long are the coaching sessions? 
About an hour, but they can run up to two hours.  I like keeping a loose back-end so we can stay with the conversation if it's really juicy. And if we're done, we're done. Sometimes we may decide to just do a shorter check-in between sessions.  We'll determine together how to plan around this. I'm flexible.

Is talking by phone as good as talking in person? 
When I started coaching I was skeptical.  But now I believe coaching by phone is even better than talking in person.  Really.  I think it's easier to talk about challenging things, shame in particular, without having to be face-to-face. And it's darn convenient for both of us.  No driving.  Having a good headset makes it easy and comfortable. 

Can I talk to you from my car? 
It's not a great idea to try and multi-task while having a session.  I want you to be able to give your full attention.  Try to schedule a session from a quiet private space where you won't be disturbed.  I know this isn't always easy or possible, but it does make a difference.

What if I freak out and want to cancel before our first session?
Don't worry, this is normal.  I really get how vulnerable it can feel to let someone in where there is confusion and possibly some shame.  But I promise it won't be as hard as you think. You already did the hardest part by reaching out and asking for help; now be willing to receive it.  No doubt we will be laughing in a short time and it will be much easier than you think.  Don't cancel.  I guarantee you won't regret it.